Berberis phyllody is a phytoplasma-associated disease


Li, Z.N., Song, J.G., Zhang, C.P., Yu, X.Q., Wu, K.K., Wu, W.J., Wu, Y.F., Xiang, Y. (2010). Berberis phyllody is a phytoplasma-associated disease. Phytoparasitica, [online] 38(1), 99-102.


Berberis thunbergii atropurpurea, also known as Red barberry, is a small ornamental shrub in the family Berberidaceae. In recent years, a phyllody symptom has been observed frequently, spreading in the shrubs in northwestern China. A phytoplasma 16S rDNA specific fragment was amplified by PCR from Berberis plants with the phyllody symptoms. DNA sequencing and restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis revealed the phytoplasma belongs to 16SrV-B subgroup. This is the first report that Berbegis thunbergii atropurpurea is a host for 16SrV-B phytoplasma. The disease was named Berberis phyllody. © Springer Science & Business Media B.V. 2010.

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