Annual Report for NC-140 meeting


Blatt, S. 2020. Annual Report for NC-140 Committee Meeting, virtual Zoom meeting, November

Plain language summary

The NC-140 regional rootstock trials are a series of cherry, pear, peach, plum and apple plantings designed to evaluate rootstocks across a range of climate conditions throughout North America. Kentville Research and Development Centre is a designated site for these trials and has had plantings since 1983. In 2020 the Modi apple planting was showing that rootstocks G.890, G.30, G.202 and G.935 held the most promise for Nova Scotia with quick establishment, high yields and consistent fruit size. G.222 and M.9T337 with a Modi scion are smaller and less productive. Producers have adopted G.935 for new plantings. Nova Scotia has been experiencing heat waves in 2018-2020 with drought conditions reducing apple size in 2020 for rootstocks with the Modi scion. In general all rootstocks have shown ability to withstand these conditions. The Buckeye Gala planting produced its first crop in 2020 with M.26 producing the highest yield and G.11 producing the lowest. Weight per apple was similar across all rootstocks, averaging 125 g. The NC-140 rootstock trials have been a valuable complement to farm-based evaluations in Nova Scotia. Results from these trials are providing direction and guidance for growers with many developing their own nurseries with desired rootstocks.


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