Pete Goulet

Current research and/or projects

Pete Goulet has worked as a research biologist/technician for various academic institutions, departments of government, and non-governmental organizations. He has twenty years’ experience collecting, managing, and processing ecological data, throughout Canada, the United States, Central America and the Caribbean.

He joined Fisheries and Oceans Canada (Newfoundland and Labrador Region) in 2010. Currently works in the Marine Mammals Section where his main focus is coordinating and carrying out aerial and vessel-based surveys of various pinniped and cetacean species, conducting spatial analysis of marine mammal distribution and movement data, and overseeing the maintenance of the NL marine mammal sampling database.

Education and awards

Diploma, Geogaphic Information Science, Memorial University of Newfoundland , 2011

B.Sc., Biology - Wildlife Management, Université du Québec à Rimouski, 2000

Diploma, Forestry Technician, La Cité collégiale (Hawkesbury, ON), 1996