Nancy Graveline

Image Nancy Graveline
Sensory Evaluation Services Manager

Offering businesses and research teams a comprehensive (all-inclusive!) service for obtaining valuable sensory data that meet requesters’ expectations.

Thanks to our expertise, knowledge and facilities, all the necessary steps can be performed: standardization, preparing samples, recruiting and training participants, conducting sensory tests (difference, profile/description, comparison, etc.) and analyzing results. At the end of each project, we provide a report and discuss the results with the requester.

We use specialized software to collect sensory data and carry out the corresponding analyses. We also have a fully equipped room to train participants.

This service can meet your needs in terms of training for your work team and information about your food products.

Through Industry Services at the Saint-Hyacinthe Research and Development Centre, accessing our services is easy. You can reach us by telephone or email or see us in person. You may not even need to travel to our premises.

Please contact us if you have any questions.

We look forward to meeting with you.

Nancy Graveline

Current research and/or projects

Projects that are constantly changing and highly variable: dairy products, maple products, meat, vegetables, etc.

  • The service has extensive experience in training judges.
  • The service’s regular activities also include offering basic workshops on sensory evaluation.

Research and/or project statements

  • Heavily involved in the development of the Flavour Wheel for Maple Products, in collaboration with Centre ACER, 2004.
  • 2019: Unlocking the potential of insects as a source of healthy and high‑quality food ingredients.

Professional activities / interests

  • Participation in the “Innovateurs à l’école” school innovation program: facilitation of sensory workshops on odours for elementary school students.
  • Jury member for the Caseus contest: selection of the best Quebec cheeses.

Education and awards


  • BSc in Dietetics from McGill University, 1993
  • Applied Sensory and Consumer Science Certificate, University of California (UC Davis Extension), 2013


  • Received from IICA in 2001 for a four-week grant to Mexico: Planning of experiments for a comparative study of sensory profiles of pasteurized honey in Mexico, Argentina (ITA) and Canada.

International experience and/or work

  • CECI grant in 1993 for an introductory international cooperation program for youth: eight-week trip to Nepal to teach women about nutrition.

Key publications

Canadian Journal of Animal Science Volume 98, Issue 2, 3 February 2018, Pages 213-220

Effects of slaughter weight and growth rate on the longissimus muscle metabolic characteristics, and pork sensory quality in pigs of two sexes(Article)  / Duan, Y.a, Faucitano, L.b, Rivest, J.c, Graveline, N.d, Cliche, S.d, Gariépy, C.


LWT - Food Science and Technology Volume 60, Issue 1, 1 January 2015, Pages 609-614

Characterization of Canadian propolis fractions obtained from two-step sequential extraction / Cottica, S.M.a, Sabik, H.b, Antoine, C.c, Fortin, J.b, Graveline, N.b, Visentainer, J.V.a, Britten, M.

Research facility

3600 Casavant Boulevard West
Saint-Hyacinthe, QC J2S 8E3



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