Mohammad Khakbazan

Image Mohammad Khakbazan
Research Scientist (Agricultural Economist)

Dr. Mohammad Khakbazan research focus is on economics and resource use efficiency of cropping and livestock systems and risk and uncertainty; integrated economic and environmental agricultural practices for cereals, potatoes, pulses and oilseeds; cost and benefit analysis; and natural resource economics and sustainability. He is lead and collaborator in more than 8 currently funded projects by industry and AAFC across Canada analyzing the economic, energy, nutrient, and environmental sustainability of clean technologies and farming systems for cropping and livestock production systems to enhance sector resiliency to climate change, and to improve water and soil conservation and quality.

Current research and/or projects

  • Sustainable Agricultural Practices for the Lake Winnipeg Basin: Building resilient agroecosystems from field to farm to watershed. 
  • The PEI Living Laboratory.
  • Sustainable Soybean Cropping Systems for Western Manitoba.
  • Economic and resource use efficiency of Emerging Cropping Systems for Western Canada.

  • Economic and environmental value of growing both pea and soybean in rotation.

  • Optimizing systems productivity, resilience and sustainability in the major Canadian ecozones.

  • 5-yr Pulse Agronomy.

  • Genetic analyses of feed intake, feed efficiency, female fertility, and cow lifetime productivity in beef cattle raised under two environments.

Research and/or project statements

  • Analysis and models economics and resource use efficiency of cropping systems and risk and uncertainty
  • Analyze the economic, energy, nutrient, and environmental sustainability of clean technologies and farming systems for cropping and livestock production systems to enhance sector resiliency to climate change, and to improve water and soil conservation and quality.
  • Evaluate utilization efficiency of inputs to obtain attainable yields and optimize economic benefits of high quality product.

Professional activities / interests

  • scientific research
  • collaboration with students, university faculty and industry partners
  • economic modelling, farm production enterprise studies, resource use efficiency
  • project planning and management

Education and awards

B.Sc. Economics, University of Tehran, 1987

M.Sc. Agricultural Economics, University of Tehran, 1990

M.Sc. Agricultural Economics, University of Saskatchewan, 1994

Ph.D. Agricultural Economics, University of Saskatchewan, 1999

Outstanding Paper of the Year award from The Potato Association of America in 2018

International experience and/or work

Member of Science and Policy committee of the Soil and Water Conservation Society, USA.

Key publications

  1. Moulin, A.P. Khakbazan, M.A. 2018. Statistical and spatial variability of soil test N and P for sites in Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba. Manitoba Soil Science Society Annual Meeting, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Feb 1, 2018

    2018 - View publication details

  2. Khakbazan, M., Grant, C.A., Huang, J., Zhong, C., Smith, E.G., O’Donovan, J.T., Mohz, R.M., Blackshaw, R.E., Harker, K.N., Lafond, G.P., Johnson, E.N., May, W.E., Turkington, T.K., Gan, Y., Lupwayi, N.Z., St. Luce, M. (2018). Economic impact of residual Nitrogen and preceding crops on wheat and canola. Agronomy Journal, [online] 110(1), 339-348.

    2018 - View publication details

  3. Moulin, A.P. Khakbazan, M.A. 2017. Variable N fertility management of canola at the field scale, based on analysis of yield maps and spatial and statistical variability of soil test N and P. Canola Week 2017, Saskatoon, December 6, 2017,

    2017 - View publication details

  4. Moulin, A.P. Khakbazan, M.A. 2017. Variable Management of Nitrogen Fertilizer in Canola, Fertilizer Response and Variability within and between Fields. Canadian Society of Soil Science Annual Meeting, Trent University, Peterborough, Ontario, June 14, 2017

    2017 - View publication details

  5. Khakbazan, M., Larney, F.J., Huang, J., Mohr, R., Pearson, D.C., Blackshaw, R.E. (2017). Energy Use Efficiency of Conventional versus Conservation Management Practices for Irrigated Potato Production in Southern Alberta. American Journal of Potato Research, [online] 94(2), 105-119.

    2017 - View publication details

  6. Rodd, A.V., Smith, E., Fuller, K. , Burton, D., Anderson, S., Henry, R., McMullen, D., Grimmett, M., Khakbazan, M., Fillmore, S., Nyiraneza, J., Janes, D., Jenkins, S., Murray, B., MacDonald, B., Jiang, Y. and Pratt, W. 2017. Temperature Based Fall Plowing. CRDC / FRDC Seminar Series 2016 / 2017. January 18th.

    2017 - View publication details

  7. Khakbazan, M., Larney, F.J., Huang, J., Mohr, R.M., Pearson, D.C., Blackshaw, R.E. (2017). Economics of conventional and conservation practices for irrigated dry bean rotations in southern Alberta. Agronomy Journal, [online] 109(2), 576-587.

    2017 - View publication details

  8. Moulin, A.P., Khakbazan, M. 2017. Variable Management of Nitrogen Fertilizer in Canola Fertilizer Response and Variability between Fields, Canola Cluster Meeting, February 24, 2017. Morden Research and Development Center, Morden, Manitoba

    2017 - View publication details

  9. Rodd, A.V., Anderson, S., Zoski, E., Lapen, D., Smith, E., KHakbazan, M., Henry, R., Murray, B., Grimmett, M., McMullen, D., Burton, D., Fillmore, S. Janes, D., Nyiraneza, J., Khakbazan, M., Kuehnbaum, A., Handyside, P., Jiang, Y. and Jenkins, S. 2017. Harrington Woodchip Denitrification Bio-reactors- What are they and why are we interested. CRDC/ FRDC Seminar Series 2016/2017 January 18th.

    2017 - View publication details

  10. Khakbazan, M., Larney, F.J., Huang, J., Dilay, D., Mohr, R., Pearson, D.C., Blackshaw, R.E. (2016). Economic Comparison of Conventional and Conservation Management Practices for Irrigated Potato Production in Southern Alberta. American Journal of Potato Research, [online] 93(5), 448-462.

    2016 - View publication details

  11. Khakbazan, M., Huang, J., Moulin, A., Wilson, H., Vanrobaeys, J., Mohr, R. 2016. Watershed scale precision farming and soil conservation to enhance nutrient use efficiency and profitability. 71st Soil and Water Conservation Society International Annual Conference Managing Great River Landscapes Louisville

    2016 - View publication details

  12. Grant, C.A., O'Donovan, J.T., Blackshaw, R.E., Harker, K.N., Johnson, E.N., Gan, Y., Lafond, G.P., May, W.E., Turkington, T.K., Lupwayi, N.Z., McLaren, D.L., Zebarth, B., Khakbazan, M., St. Luce, M., Ramnarine, R. (2016). Residual effects of preceding crops and nitrogen fertilizer on yield and crop and soil N dynamics of spring wheat and canola in varying environments on the Canadian prairies. Field Crops Research, [online] 192 86-102.

    2016 - View publication details

  13. Khakbazan, M., Grant, C.A., Huang, J., Berry, N.J., Smith, E.G., O’Donovan, J.T., Blackshaw, R.E., Harker, K.N., Lafond, G.P., Johnson, E.N., Gan, Y., May, W.E., Turkington, T.K., Lupwayi, N.Z. (2016). Preceding crops and nitrogen effects on crop energy use efficiency in canola and barley. Agronomy Journal, [online] 108(3), 1079-1088.

    2016 - View publication details

  14. Fryza, S., Carlberg, J.G., Khakbazan, M., Robins, C.D., Block, H.C., Scott, S.L., Huang, J., Durunna, O.N. (2016). An economic analysis of resting versus nonresting perennial pastures during the critical acclimation period. Canadian Journal of Animal Science, [online] 96(3), 364-375.

    2016 - View publication details

  15. Rodd, V., Mills, A., Zebarth, B., Smith, E., Nyiraneza, J., Grimmett, M., Khakbazan, M., Mohr, R., Fillmore, S. and Jiang, Y. Jan. 29, 2016. Spring vs fall plowing research. PEI Federation of Agriculture Annual Meeting. Charlottetown, PEI.

    2016 - View publication details

  16. O'Donovan, J.T., Grant, C.A., Blackshaw, R.E., Harker, K.N., Johnson, E.N., Gan, Y.T., May, W.E., Turkington, T.K., Lupwayi, N.Z., Khakbazan, M., and Smith, E.G. (2015). "Legumes in rotation affect hybrid canola and malting barley.", 14th International Rapeseed Congress, Saskatoon, SK, Canada, July 5-9, 2015, Keynote Theme D oral presentation.

    2015 - View publication details

  17. Khakbazan, M., Larney, F.J., Mohr, R.M., Huang, J., and Berry, N. (2015). "Economics of conventional and sustainable irrigated potato production systems.", Soils and Crops Workshop 2015, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK, Canada, March 16-17, 2015, Oral presentation.

    2015 - View publication details

  18. Jiang, Y., Nyiraneza, J., Murray, B., Khakbazan, M., Grimmett, M.G., Somers, G.H., and Thompson, B. (2015). "Spring plowing enhances water quality and potato production.", 2015 Stakeholders Day, Harrington, PEI, Canada, July 14, 2015. (Poster)

    2015 - View publication details

  19. Jiang, Y., Nyiraneza, J., Zebarth, B.J., Murray, B., Khakbazan, M., and Fuller, K.D. (2015). "Validating effects of spring plowing forages on nitrate leaching reduction.", 2015 IAH-CNC Conference, Waterloo, ON, Canada, October 26-30, 2015. (Abstract)

    2015 - View publication details

  20. Jiang, Y., Nyiraneza, J., Zebarth, B.J., Murray, B., Khakbazan, M., and Fuller, K.D. (2015). "Postponing forage plowing from fall to spring enhances groundwater quality and economic resiliency of potato production.", 9th World Potato Congress, Beijing, China, July 28-30, 2015. (Abstract)

    2015 - View publication details

Research facility

2701 Grand Valley Road, P.O. Box 1000A
Brandon, MB R7A 5Y3


  • Adjunct Professor in the Department Biology, Brandon University.
  • Adjunct Professor in the Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, University of Saskatchewan.
  • Executive Board member of Canadian Agricultural Economics Society (CAES)
  • Science and Policy committee member of the Soil and Water Conservation Society (SWCS).
  • Associate editor for the journal of SWCS.

