Marie-Josée Simard, PhD

Image Marie-Josée Simard
Research Scientist

Study the biology and ecology of weeds

Current research and/or projects

  • Cover crops in nothern vineyards and sweet corn
  • Bird's rape mustard
  • Herbicide resistant weeds
  • Develop long term best management practices for weed control in cropping systems with limited environmental impact
  • Provide knowledge of weed biology, population dynamics, and ecology as the basis for the development of integrated contol startegies with reduced impact on the environment



Professional activities / interests

Problem weeds (herbicide resistant, invasive, allergenic, hybrid with GMO crops)

Key publications

  1. Weed emergence and growth under mini-greenhouses in muck and clay soils. Simard, M.-J1., Lord, E1., Nurse, R.E2., Laforest, M1. and Smith, T3. 1Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, QC; 2AAFC, Harrow, ON; 3AAFC, Ottawa.

    2022 - View publication details

  2. Laforest, M., Simard, M.-J., Nurse, R., Page, E., Geddes, C.M., Obeid, K., Picard, A., Miville, D., Grainger, C., and Kora, C. 2022. Available genetic testing enables early detection and mitigation of herbicide-resistant weeds. 2022 Joint Meeting of the Canadian Weed Science Society/Canadian Society of Agronomy. Nov 14-18, 2022. Halifax, NS, CA. (Poster Presentation).

    2022 - View publication details

  3. Page, E.R.*, R.E. Nurse, S. Meloche, K. Bosveld, C. Grainger, K. Obeid, M. Filotas, M.J. Simard and M. Laforest. 2021. Import of Palmer amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri S. Wats.) seed with sweet potato (Ipomea batatas
    (L.) Lam) slips. Joint virtual meeting of the Canadian Weed Science Society and Weed Science Society of America, February 22nd – 24th 2022 (Poster Presentation).

    2022 - View publication details

  4. Simard, M-J, Laforest, M., Martin, S. and Maheux, L. 2022. Competition between bird’s rape and canola in unmanaged field borders: Year 1. Weed Science Society of America/Canadian Weed Science Society meeting, February 22-24, Online. Poster

    2022 - View publication details

  5. Brackenridge, H., Bae, J., Simard, M-J., Tardif, F., Bosveld, K., and Nurse, R.E. 2021. Investigation of management practices to optimize cereal rye cover crop-based weed mitigation in Canadian sweet corn production. Canadian Weed Science Society, Annual General Meeting, November 23, 2021.

    2021 - View publication details

  6. Brackenridge, H., Bae, J., Simard, M-J., Tardif, F., Bosveld, K., and Nurse, R.E. 2021. Investigation of management practices to optimize cereal rye cover crop-based weed mitigation in Canadian sweet corn production. Ontario Pest Management Conference, University of Guelph, November 2, 2021.

    2021 - View publication details

  7. Minville et al. 2021. Grass cover crops during vineyard establishment in southern Quebec: Their effects on weed control and soil aggregate stability to water. Tri-Society (CSP, CSA, CSHS ) Virtual Conference, 5-9 July 2021.

    2021 - View publication details

  8. Minville, A.-K., Simard, M.-J., Halde, C. et Carisse, O. 2021. Comparaison des régies de culture dans l’entre-rang pour la répression des adventicces et la prévention de l’érosion hydrique dans la vigne (Vitis sp.) semi-rustique en implantation au Québec. 5e Édition des Journées SERVO. 8-9 avril 2021. En ligne.

    2021 - View publication details

  9. Laforest, M., Bisaillon, K., Soufiane, B. Maheux, L., Fortin S., Martin, S., James T. , Miville D. , Marcoux, A. and Simard, M.-J. 2021. Glyphosate Resistant Bird Rape Mustard (Brassica rapa) Through Introgression of a Transgenic Construct: Distribution and Genetic Characterization. Weed Science Society of America meeting, March 15-18, Online.

    2021 - View publication details

  10. Brackenridge, H., Bae, J., Simard M-J, Tardif, F., Bosveld, K., and Nurse, R.E. 2020. Investigation of management strategies to optimize cover crop-based weed mitigation in Canadian sweet corn production. Proceeding of the 61st annual meeting of the Weed Science Society of America.

    2021 - View publication details

  11. Brackenridge, H., Bae, J., Simard M-J, Tardif, F., Bosveld, K., and Nurse, R.E. 2020. Investigation of management strategies to optimize cover crop-based weed mitigation in Canadian sweet corn production. Proceeding of the 74th annual meeting of the Canadian Weed Science Society.

    2020 - View publication details

  12. Minville, A-K., Simard, M.-J., Halde, C. and Carisse, O. 2020. Can cover crops control weeds and mitigate soil water erosion during the establishment of grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) in southern Quebec? Canadian Weed Science Society meeting November 23-26, Online.

    2020 - View publication details

  13. Simard, M.J., Page, E.R., Nurse, R.E. (2019). Can weeds overtopping soybean or Adzuki Bean be mechanically pulled to reduce their seed input?. Weed Technology, [online] 33(1), 159-165.

    2019 - View publication details

  14. Laforest, M., Soufiane, B., Simard, M.J., Obeid, K., Page, E., Nurse, R.E. (2017). Acetyl-CoA carboxylase overexpression in herbicide-resistant large crabgrass (Digitaria sanguinalis). Pest Management Science, [online] 73(11), 2227-2235.

    2017 - View publication details

  15. Marie-Josée Simard,a Martin Laforest,a Brahim Soufiane,a Diane Lyse Benoit,a François J. Tardifb

    2017 - View publication details

  16. Bae, J., Nurse, R.E., Simard, M.J., Page, E.R. (2017). Managing glyphosate-resistant common ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia): Effect of glyphosate-phenoxy tank mixes on growth, fecundity, and seed viability. Weed Science, [online] 65(1), 31-40.

    2017 - View publication details

  17. Longchamps, L., Panneton, B., Reich, R., Simard, M.-J., and Leroux, G.D. (2016 accepted). "Spatial pattern of weeds based on multi-species infestation maps monitored by imagery.", Weed Science.

    2016 - View publication details

  18. Simard, M.-J., Nurse, R.E., Page, E.R., Bourgeois, G., and Beckie, H.J. (2016). "A detailed assessment of redroot pigweed (Amaranthus retroflexus) and common ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia) seed shattering in wheat, corn and soybean.", Weed Science Society of America Meeting, San Jan, Puerto Rico, February 7-11, 2016.

    2016 - View publication details

  19. Simard, M.-J. and Lambert-Beaudet, C. (2015). "Weed seed survival in corn and alfalfa silage.", Weed Science Society of America meeting 2014, Lexington, Kentucky, USA, February 9-13, 2015, Oral presentation.

    2015 - View publication details

  20. Simard, M.-J., Nurse, R.E., Page, E.R., and Beckie, H.D. (2015). "Using the Organic weed puller to remove tall weeds in soybean: lessons learned from the first trial.", Canadian Weed Science Society Meeting, Edmonton, AB, Canada, November 23-26, 2015.

    2015 - View publication details

Research facility

430 Gouin Boulevard
Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, QC J3B 3E6


  • Université Laval
  • International Weed Science Society
  • Weed Science Society of America
  • Ecological Society of America
  • Canadian Weed Science Society
  • Société de Protection des Plantes du Québec
  • Centre de Référence en Agriculture et Agroalimentaire du Québec



Other languages

Spanish (3 years)