Lawrence Mudryk

Current research and/or projects

Develop new knowledge on the state, variability, and change in terrestrial snow, including its role in the climate system

  • Facilitating comparison of large scale simulations of snow with local observations
  • Analysis of sources of spread in snow models
  • Understanding the processes governing trends in snow cover and snow mass
  • Impacts of changing snow and climate conditions across Canada

Professional activities / interests

Collaborator, Snow Climate Change Initiative, ESA, (PI: Thomas Nagler [Ph. D.], ENVEO), 2018-2021.

Collaborator, Climate-Related Precipitation Extremes, Global Water Futures, (PI: Dr. Ronald Stewart, University of Manitoba), 2017--present.

Collaborator, Impacts of boreal climate feedbacks on climate change, Picker Interdisciplinary Science Institute, (PI: Dr. Michael Loranty, Colgate University), 2016-2018.

Collaborator, Satellite snow products intercomparison and evaluation exercise, European Space Agency (PI: Dr. Thomas Nagler, ENVEO), 2014-2019.

Collaborator, Canadian Sea Ice and Snow Evolution (CanSISE), NSERC Climate Change and Atmospheric Research Network (PI: Dr. Paul Kushner, University of Toronto), 2013-2018.

Education and awards

Ph.D. University of Toronto

M.Sc. University of Toronto

B.Sc. University of Alberta

Key publications

Mudryk, L. R., C. Derksen, S. Howell, F. Laliberté, C. Thackeray, R. Sospedra-Alfonso, V. Vionnet, P.J. Kushner, and R. Brown. 2018. Canadian snow and sea ice: historical trends and projections, The Cryosphere, 12, 1157-1176, doi: 10.5194/tc-12-1157-2018.

Mudryk, L.R., P.J. Kushner, C. Derksen, P.J. Kushner, C. Thackeray. 2017. Snow cover response to temperature in observational and climate model ensembles, Geophysical Research Letters, doi: 10.1002/2016GL071789.

Mudryk, L., C. Derksen, P. Kushner, and R. Brown. 2015. Characterization of Northern Hemisphere snow water equivalent datasets, 1981–2010. Journal of Climate. 28: 8037-8051.