Eric A. Luiker

Aquatic Ecologist - Investigating multiple stressor effects on aquatic ecosystems, within the Aquatic Ecosystems Impact Research Division

Current research and/or projects

  • Developing diagnostic assessment approaches that identify the interactive effects of complex stress regimes on aquatic ecosystems
  • Obtain an improved Canadian perspective on the current status and future trends of freshwater biodiversity in Arctic regions, and to conduct ecological research at strategic sites on rivers in the eastern portion of the Canadian Arctic to improve our ability to estimate the effects of climate change impacts
  • Nutrient assessment of the St. John River, New Brunswick/Maine

Key publications

Culp, J.M, E. Luiker, L. Noel, E. Foster, D. Hryn and R. A. Curry. 2006. Status and effects of nutrient loading on the Saint John River: Final Report. Environmental Trust Fund Report, NB Dept. Environment. 51 p.

E. Luiker, J. Culp, and G. Benoy . 2007. Assessment of cumulative ecological effects of agricultural stressors on aquatic communities: an elaboration of the sediment quality triad. Learned Discourse, IEAM, Volume 3, Number 4, 564-566.

Culp, J.M., K.Liber, A. Cessna, E.Luiker, A. Alexander, K.Heard, D.Baird and P.J. Vand Den Brink. 2006. Comparison of press versus pulse exposure to insecticides: the role of sublethal effects. Bulletin of the North American Benthological Society 23 (1): 259.