Eric Arsenault


Remote Sensing

Current research and/or projects

Conducts geospatial analysis involving remote sensing, geographic information systems and computer programming to projects involving:

  • Satellite land cover mapping
  • Estimation and mapping of biophysical parameters of forests in the context of forest health monitoring and biomass estimation.

National team member to the following CFS projects:

  • Improved forest structure and biomass information from remote sensing at regional and national levels
  • Integrating aerial survey and remote sensing for improved monitoring of major insect defoliators
  • Climate Impacts on Productivity and Health of Aspen (CIPHA) – NoFC

Previously involved with the Earth Observation for Sustainable Development (EOSD) of Forests project representing the Prairie Provinces

Research and/or project statements

Education and awards

B.A. (Geography), 1996, University of Ottawa,

M.Sc. (Remote Sensing), 2001, Université de Sherbrooke