Émilie Maillard

Research scientist

My main research activities aim to determine the effects of various cropping systems and agricultural practices on soil carbon accumulation and to better understand the mechanisms to stabilize soil organic matter. The cropping systems and practices studied include grassland systems, annual cropping systems with cover crops, application of livestock manure, tillage etc. I also have an interest in determining the carbon footprint in agroforestry systems (intra-plot systems, riparian strips) and in better understanding the impact of different cropping systems in organic farming production on soil carbon accumulation. My research projects can be done on a farm and landscape scale.

Key publications

  1. Masse J., Leewis M.-C., Maillard É., Chantigny M., Martineau C. (2023) Belowground biodiversity: Accessing fields and riparian buffers microbiome. Poster presented during the journée de terrain Innovation et adaptation des fermes québécoises aux changements climatiques dans International as part as the Forum on Agroecosystem Living Labs. Saint-Barthélemy (Canada). October 6th 2023.

    2023 - View publication details

  2. Thivierge, M.-N., Pelletier, K., Khechine, M.T., Chantigny, M.H., Bélanger, G., Maillard, É., Angers, D.A., Lachance, C., Brégard, A., Vanasse, A., and Halde, C. 2023. "Arrière-effet des rotations de cultures sur les traits racinaires du maïs fourrager et du soya". 2023-2024 Seminar Series from the Quebec Research and Development Centre of AAFC, Quebec City, Canada, 28 September 2023. Oral presentation.

    2023 - View publication details

  3. Thivierge, M.-N., Chantigny, M., Lafond, J., Maillard, É., Leewis, M.-C., Bertrand, N., Lachance, C., Duchesneau, R.-F., Khechine, M.T., Pelletier, K., Houde, S., Pelster, D., Halde, C., Charbonneau, É., Hassanat, F., Jégo, G., Angers, D.A., Bélanger, G., Tremblay, G., Vanasse, A., Samson, M.-É., and Royer, I. 2023. The PERMANENCE project: legacy effect of perennials and organic fertilizers in crop rotations for dairy farms. Hosting of a provincial team of MAPAQ farm advisors and visit to research plots, Saint-Augustin-de-Desmaures, QC, September 1, 2023.

    2023 - View publication details

  4. Halde, C., Durocher, L., D’Amours, J., Gagné, S., Menchari, Y., Bocoum, I., Chantigny, M., Thivierge, M.-N., Angers, D., Maillard, É., and Pelster, D. 2023. Solar corridor cropping systems: Effects of row spacings and interseeded cover crops on soil health, N2O emissions, and crop yields. Annual meeting of the Canadian Society of Soil Science (CSSS), Truro, Canada, 26−29 June 2023. Oral presentation.

    2023 - View publication details

  5. Thivierge, M.-N., Chantigny, M., Lafond, J.A., Royer, I., Lachance, C., Duchesneau, R.-F., Maillard, É., Leewis, M.-C., Pelster, D., Khechine, M.T., Pelletier, K., Halde, C., Hassanat, F., Bélanger, G., Angers, D.A., Samson, M.-É., Jégo, G., Charbonneau, É., and Tremblay, G.F. 2023. Le projet PERMANENCE: démonstration des mesures prises au champ et sommaire des principaux résultats. 37th Annual Meeting of the Association québécoise des spécialistes en sciences du sol (AQSSS), Québec, Canada, May 23–25, 2023. Oral presentation.

    2023 - View publication details

  6. Maillard, É., Chantigny, M., Smith, E., Fuller, K.D., Vandersaag, A., Gregorich, E., Samson, M.-É., Pelster, D., Angers, D., and Thivierge, M.-N. 2023. Réponse à court terme d’indicateurs de santé du sol à des pratiques de gestion associées à la production laitière dans l’Est du Canada. 37th Annual Meeting of the Association québécoise des spécialistes en sciences du sol (AQSSS), Québec, Canada, May 23–25, 2023. Oral presentation

    2023 - View publication details

  7. Halde, C., Durocher, L., D’Amours, J., Gagné, S., Menchari, Y., Bocoum, I., Chantigny, M., Thivierge, M.-N., Angers, D., Maillard, É., and Pelster, D. 2023. Santé des sols et émission de N2O dans les systèmes de corridors solaires avec cultures de couverture intercalaires dans des sols de deux textures contrastées. 37th Annual Meeting of the Association québécoise des spécialistes en sciences du sol (AQSSS), Québec, Canada, May 23–25, 2023. Oral presentation.

    2023 - View publication details

  8. Leewis, M.-C., Michaud, J., D’Amours, E., Maillard, É., Chantigny, M., and Thivierge, M.-N.. 2023. L’arrière-effet des cultures et des engrais organiques sur le microbiome du sol. 37th Annual Meeting of the Association québécoise des spécialistes en sciences du sol (AQSSS), Québec, Canada, May 23–25, 2023. Oral presentation.

    2023 - View publication details

  9. Pelletier, K., Thivierge, M.-N., Chantigny, M.H., Bélanger, G., Angers, D.A., Lachance, C., Maillard, É. et Halde, C. 2023. Croissance racinaire du maïs fourrager favorisée par les cultures fourragères pérennes en rotation. Journée de printemps « Adaptation des systèmes fourragers et biométhanisation ». Club Agri Conseils Maska, Saint-Hyacinthe, QC, 5 avril 2023.

    2023 - View publication details

  10. Pelletier, K., Thivierge, M.-N. , Chantigny, M.H., Bélanger, G., Angers, D.A., Lachance, C., Maillard, É., and Halde, C. 2023. Croissance racinaire du maïs fourrager favorisée par les cultures fourragères pérennes en rotation. Journée d’information scientifique – Bovins laitiers et plantes fourragères, Drummondville, QC, February 8, 2023. Oral presentation.

    2023 - View publication details

  11. Pelletier, K., Thivierge, M.-N., Halde, C., Chantigny, M., Maillard, É., Bélanger, G., and Angers D.A. Croissance racinaire du maïs fourrager favorisée par les cultures fourragères pérennes en rotation. 89e Congrès annuel de l’Association francophone pour le savoir (Acfas), Université Laval, Québec, QC, Canada, May 9–13, 2022. Oral presentation, virtual.

    2022 - View publication details

  12. Maillard, É., Thivierge, M.-N., and Angers, D.A. 2021. Les bénéfices de la séquestration du carbone pour les agriculteurs. Special section Plantes fourragères in the weekly magazine La Terre de chez nous, June 9, 2021, p. B14. https://laterrekiosk.milibris.com/reader/bbb66ce8-53c2-4fb6-8313-41d5baacee77?origin=%2Fcahiers-speciaux%2Fcahiers-speciaux%2F2021-06-09

    2021 - View publication details

  13. Maillard, É., McConkey, B.G., St. Luce, M., Angers, D.A., Fan, J. (2018). Crop rotation, tillage system, and precipitation regime effects on soil carbon stocks over 1 to 30 years in Saskatchewan, Canada. Soil & Tillage Research, [online] 177 97-104. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.still.2017.12.001

    2018 - View publication details

  14. Maillard, É., McConkey, B.G., Angers, D.A. (2018). Each rotation phase can affect soil carbon balance differently over decades. Canadian Journal of Soil Science, [online] 98(3), 584-588. http://dx.doi.org/10.1139/cjss-2018-0013

    2018 - View publication details

  15. Maillard, É., McConkey, B.G., Angers, D.A. (2017). Increased uncertainty in soil carbon stock measurement with spatial scale and sampling profile depth in world grasslands: A systematic analysis. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, [online] 236 268-276. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.agee.2016.11.024

    2017 - View publication details

  16. Maillard, E., Angers, D.A., Chantigny, M.H., Lafond, J. and Pageau, D. 2016. Greater retention of manure-derived carbon under perennial than annual crops. Affiche présentée au Congrès annuel de la CSSS, Kamloops, BC. 14-19 May.

    2016 - View publication details

  17. Maillard, É., Angers, D.A., Chantigny, M., Bittman, S., Rochette, P., Lévesque, G., Hunt, D., Parent, L.É. (2015). Carbon accumulates in organo-mineral complexes after long-term liquid dairy manure application. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, [online] 202 108-119. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.agee.2014.12.013

    2015 - View publication details

  18. Maillard, E., Angers, D.A. (2014). Animal manure application and soil organic carbon stocks: A meta-analysis. Global Change Biology, [online] 20(2), 666-679. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/gcb.12438

    2014 - View publication details