Dr. Jennifer Boldt

Image Boldt, Jennifer
Research Scientist

Research in Coastal and Oceanic Ecosystems Science

Current research and/or projects

Research interests include:

  • pelagic ecosystem monitoring to detect change in the status and trends of pelagic fish (e.g., Pacific Herring), and to understand factors affecting the distribution, biomass, and trophodynamics of pelagic fish and prey species.
  • pelagic fish ecology to examine potential interactions between pelagic species and understand impacts of a changing climate on pelagic ecosystems.
  • State of the Ocean reporting, the assessment of the ecological impacts of environmental conditions at the ecosystem scale, the understanding of mechanistic linkages from physics to phytoplankton to zooplankton to fish, and the impacts of multiple stressors on ecosystem components.

Education and awards

Ph.D. University of Alaska, Fairbanks, School of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences. 

M.Sc. University of Alaska, Fairbanks, School of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences.

B.Sc. University of Calgary

International experience and/or work

North Pacific Marine Science Organization (PICES)

Key publications

  1. Rooper, C.N., Boldt, J.L., Cleary, J., Peña, M.A., Thompson, M., Grinnell, M. 2023. Evaluating factors affecting the distribution and timing of Pacific Herring (Clupea pallasii) spawn in British Columbia.  MEPS. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3354/meps14274
  2. Boldt, J.L., Murphy, H.M., Chamberland, J.-M., Debertin, A., Gauthier, S., Hackett, B., Hagel, P.S., Majewski, A.R., McDermid, J.L., Mérette, D., Robinson, C., Rooper, C.N., Sherbo, B., Van Beveren, E., Walkusz, W. 2022. Canada’s forage fish: an important but poorly understood component of marine ecosystems. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 79: 1911–1933. http://dx.doi.org/10.1139/cjfas-2022-0060
  3. Mahara, N., Alava, J.J., Kowal, M., Grant, E., Boldt J.L., Kwong, L.E., Hunt, B.P.V. 2021. Assessing size-based exposure to microplastics and ingestion pathways in zooplankton and herring in a coastal pelagic ecosystem of British Columbia, Canada. Mar. Ecol. Progr. Ser. 683: 139-155. https://doi.org/10.3354/meps13966.
  4. Boldt, J.L., Fu, C., Hazen, E., Hunsicker, M., Perry, R.I., Xiujuan, S. 2021. Quantifying ecosystem responses to environmental and human pressures on the west coast of Vancouver Island. Ecol. Ind. 132: 108232.
  5. Grüss, A., Gao, J., Thorson. J.T., Rooper, C.N., Thompson, G., Boldt, J.L., and Lauth, R. 2020. Estimating synchronous changes in condition and density in Eastern Bering Sea fishes.  Mar. Ecol. Progr. Ser. 635: 169-18.
  6. Godefroid, M., Boldt, J.L., Thorson, J., Forrest, R., Gauthier, S. Flostrand, L., Perry, R.I., Ross, A.R.S., Galbraith, M. 2019. Spatio-temporal models provide new insights on the biotic and abiotic drivers shaping Pacific Herring (Clupea pallasi) distribution. Progress in Oceanography 178, 102198.
  7. Duguid, W.D.P., Boldt, J.L., Chalifour, L., Greene, C.M., Galbraith, M., Hay, D., Lowry, D., McKinnell, S., Qualley, J., Neville, C., Sandell, T., Thompson, M., Trudel, M., Young, K., and Juanes, F. 2019. Historical fluctuations and recent observations of Northern Anchovy Engraulis mordax in the Salish Sea.  Deep Sea Research II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 159: 22-41. 10.1016/j.dsr2.2018.05.018.
  8. Hay, D., Schweigert, J., Boldt, J.L., and Thompson, M. 2019. Temporal changes in size-at-age: impacts and implications for reproductive biology, egg density and management of Pacific herring in British Columbia.  Deep Sea Research II 159:42-51.
  9. Boldt, J.L., M. Thompson, C.N. Rooper, D.E. Hay, J.F. Schweigert, T.J. Quinn II, J.S. Cleary, C.M. Neville. 2018. Bottom-up and top-down control of small pelagic forage fish:  factors affecting juvenile herring in the Strait of Georgia, British Columbia.  Marine Ecology Progress Series 617-618: 53-66.  https://doi.org/10.3354/meps12485
  10. Boldt, J.L., K. Williams, C.N. Rooper, R.H. Towler, and S. Gauthier. 2017. Development of stereo camera methodologies to improve pelagic fish biomass estimates and inform ecosystem management in marine waters.  Fisheries Research 198: 66-77.
  11. Bundy, A., Chuenpagdee, R., Boldt, J.L., Camara, M.L., Coll, M., Diallo, I., Fox, C., Fulton, E.A., Gazihan, A., Jarre, A., Jouffre, D., Kleisner, K.M., Knight, B., Link, J., Masski, H., Moutopoulos, D.K, Piroddi, C., Raid, T., Sobrino, I., Tam, J., Thiao, D., Torres, M.A., Tsagarakis, K., van der Meeren, G.I., Shin, Y. 2016. Strong fisheries management and governance positively impact ecosystem status.  Fish and Fisheries. DOI: 10.1111/faf.12184
  12. Coll, M., Shannon, L.J., Kleisner, K., Juan Jordà, M.J., Bundy, A., Akoglu, A.G., Banaru, D., Boldt, J.L., Borges, M.F., Cook, A.. Diallo, I.. Fu, C.. Fox, C., Gascuel, D., Gurney, L.J., Hattab, T., Heymans, J.J., Jouffre, D., Knight, B.R., Kucukavsar, S., Large, S.I., Lynam, C., Machias, A., Marshall, K.N., Masski, H., Ojaveer, H., Piroddi, C., Tam, J., Thiao, D., Thiaw, M., Torres, M.A., Travers-Trolet, M., Tsagarakis, K., Tuck, I., van der Meeren, G.I., Yemane, D., Zador, S.G., Shin, Y.-J. 2016. Ecological indicators to capture the effects of fishing on biodiversity and conservation status of marine ecosystems. Ecological Indicators 60: 947-962.
  13. Kleisner, K.M., Coll, M., Lynam, C.P., Bundy, A., Shannon, L., Shin, Y.-J., Boldt, J.L., Borges, M.F., Diallo, I., Fox, C., Gascuel, D., Heymans, J.J., Juan Jorda, M.J., Jouffre, D., Large, S.I., Marshall, K.N., Ojaveer, H., Piroddi, C., Tam, J., Torres, M.A., Travers-Trolet, M., Tsagarakis, K., van der Meeren, G.I., Zador, S. 2016. Evaluating changes in marine communities that provide ecosystem services through comparative assessments of community indicators. Ecosystem Services 16: 413: 429.
  14. Fu C., Large, S., Knight, B., Richardson, A.J., Bundy, A., Reygondeau, G., Boldt, J., van der Meeren, G.I., Torres, M.A., Sobrino, I., Auber, A., Travers-Trolet, M., Piroddi, C., Diallo, I., Jouffre, D., Mendes, H., Borges, M.F., Lynam, C.P., Coll, M., Shannon, L.J., Shin, Y.-J. 2015. Relationships among fisheries exploitation, environmental conditions and ecological indicators across a series of marine ecosystems. Journal of Marine Systems 148: 101–111.
  15. Boldt, J.L., Martone, R., Samhouri, J., Perry, R.I., Itoh, S., Chung, I.K., Takahashi, M., and Yoshie, N. 2014. Ecosystem indicators and approaches to characterize ecosystem responses to multiple stressors.  Oceanography 27(4): 116-133, http://dx.doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.2014.91.
  16. Boldt, J.L., Bartkiw, S.C., Livingston, P.A., Hoff, G.R., and Walters, G.E. 2012. Investigation of fishing and climate effects on the community size spectra of eastern Bering Sea fish. Trans. Am. Fish. Soc. 141: 327-342.
  17. Boldt, J.L., Buckley, T.W., Rooper, C.N., and Aydin, K. 2012. Factors influencing cannibalism and the abundance of walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) on the Eastern Bering Sea shelf, 1982–2006.  Fishery Bulletin 110: 293-306.
  18. Fu, C., Gaichas, S., Link, J.S., Bundy, A., Boldt, J.L., Cook, A.M., Gamble, R., Utne, K., Liu, H., and Friedland, K.D. 2012. The relative importance of fishing, trophodynamic and environmental drivers on a series of marine ecosystems.  Marine Ecology Progress Series 459: 169-184.
  19. Link, J.S., Gaichas, S., Miller, T.J., Essington, T., Bundy, A., Boldt, J., Drinkwater, K.F., Moksness, E. 2012.  Synthesizing lessons learned from comparing fisheries production in 13 northern hemisphere ecosystems: emergent fundamental features.  Marine Ecology Progress Series, 459: 293-302.
  20. Lucey, S.M., Cook, A.M., Boldt, J.L., Link, J.S., Essington, T., and Miller, T.J. 2012. Comparative analyses of surplus production dynamics of functional feeding groups across 12 large marine ecosystems.  Marine Ecology Progress Series 459: 219-229.
  21. Rooper, C.N., Boldt, J.L., Batten, S., and Gburski, C. 2012. Growth and production of Pacific ocean perch (Sebastes alutus) in nursery habitats of the Gulf of Alaska. Fisheries Oceanography 21(6): 415-429.
  22. Livingston P.A., Aydin, K., Boldt, J.L., Hollowed, A.B., and Napp, J.M. 2011. Alaska marine fisheries management: advances and linkages to ecosystem research. In Ecosystem-Based Management for Marine Fisheries: An Evolving Perspective, pp. 113-152. Eds. A. Belgrano and C.W. Fowler.  Cambridge University Press, New York. 384p.
  23. Malick, M.J., Haldorson, L.J., Piccolo, J.J., and Boldt, J.L. 2011. Growth and survival in relation to body size of juvenile pink salmon in the northern Gulf of Alaska.  Marine and Coastal Fisheries: Dynamics, Management, and Ecosystem Science 3: 261-270.
  24. Link, J.S., Megrey, B.A., Miller, T.J., Essington, T., Boldt, J.L., Bundy, A., Moksness, E., Drinkwater, K.F., and Perry, R.I. 2010. Comparative analysis of marine ecosystems: international production modelling workshop.  Biology Letters doi:10.1098/rsbl.2010.0526.
  25. Schweigert, J.F., Boldt, J.L., Flostrand, L., and Cleary, J.S. 2010. A review of factors limiting recovery of Pacific herring stock in Canada.  ICES Journal of Marine Science, 67: 1903-1913.
  26. Boldt, J.L. and Rooper, C.N. 2009. Abundance, condition, and diet of juvenile Pacific ocean perch (Sebastes alutus) in the Aleutian Islands.  Fishery Bulletin, 107:278-285.
  27. Armstrong, J.L., Meyers, K.W., Beauchamp, D.A., Davis, N.D., Walker, R.V., Boldt, J.L., Piccolo, J.J., Haldorson, L.J. 2008. Interannual and spatial feeding patterns of hatchery and wild juvenile pink salmon in the Gulf of Alaska in years of low and high survival.  Trans. Am. Fish. Soc. 137: 1299-1316.
  28. Kline, T.C. Jr., Boldt, J.L., Farley, E.V. Jr., Haldorson, L.J., and Helle, J.H. 2008. Pink salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) marine survival rates reflect early marine carbon source dependency.  Progr. In. Oceanogr. 77: 194-202.
  29. Beauchamp, D.A., Cross, A.D., Armstrong, J., Myers, K.W., Moss, J.H., Boldt, J.L., and Haldorson, L.J. 2007. Bioenergetic responses by Pacific salmon to climate and ecosystem variation. North Pacific Anadromous Fish Commission Bulletin 4: 257-268.
  30. Mueter, F.J., Boldt, J., Megrey, B.A., and Peterman, R.M. 2007. Recruitment and survival of Northeast Pacific Ocean fish stocks: temporal trends, covariation, and regime shifts. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 64(6): 911-927.
  31. Rooper, C.N, Boldt, J.L., and Zimmermann, M. 2007. An assessment of juvenile Pacific ocean perch habitat use in a deepwater nursery, Alaska.  Estuarine, Coastal, and Shelf Sciences 75: 371-380.
  32. Armstrong, J.L., Boldt, J.L., Cross, A.D., Moss, J.H., Davis, N.D., Myers, K.W., Walker, R.V., Beauchamp, D.A., and Haldorson, L.J. 2005. Distribution, size and interannual, seasonal and diel food habits of northern Gulf of Alaska juvenile pink salmon, Oncorhynchus gorbuscha.  Deep-Sea Research II  52: 247-265.
  33. Cross, A.D., Beauchamp, D.A., Armstrong, J.L., Blikshteyn, M., Boldt, J.L., Davis, N.D., Haldorson, L.J., Moss, J. H., Myers, K.W., and Walker, R.V. 2005. Consumption demand of juvenile pink salmon in Prince William Sound and the coastal Gulf of Alaska in relation to prey biomass.  Deep-Sea Research II  52: 347-370.
  34. Livingston, P.A., Aydin, K., Boldt, J., Ianelli, J., and Jurado-Molina, J. 2005. A framework for ecosystem impacts assessment using an indicator approach.  ICES Journal of Marine Science.  62: 592-597.
  35. Rooper, C.N., and Boldt, J.L. 2005. Distribution of juvenile rockfish of the Aleutian archipelago in relation to benthic habitat and oceanographic features.  Alaska Fisheries Research Bulletin 11(2): 102-112. 
  36. Boldt, J.L. and Haldorson, L.J. 2004. Size and condition of wild and hatchery pink salmon juveniles in Prince William Sound, Alaska.  Transactions of American Fisheries Society 133: 173-184.
  37. Boldt, J.L. and Haldorson, L.J. 2003. Seasonal and geographic variation of juvenile pink salmon diets in the North Gulf of Alaska and Prince William Sound. Transactions of American Fisheries Society 132: 1035-1052.
  38. Boldt, J.L. and Haldorson, L.J. 2002. A bioenergetics approach to estimating consumption of zooplankton by juvenile pink salmon in Prince William Sound, Alaska.  Alaska Fishery Research Bulletin  9(2): 111-127.