Dr. David Huntley

Research Scientist

Surficial geologist

Professional activities / interests

Huntley has worked in coastal, central and northern British Columbia, Arctic, coastal, montane and interior Canada, southern and central British Isles, northern European Alps, central and northwest Iceland, southeastern Australia, intermontane and coastal USA. He is involved in research examining surficial geology, terrain stability, terrestrial ecosystems and archaeological potential. Other activities include studies in Quaternary stratigraphy, geomorphology, palaeohydrology, palaeogeographic, environmental reconstruction, drift exploration and till geochemistry. Interests in geoscience education include courses in introductory geology, physical geography, applied surficial geology, geological hazards, terrain analysis, field schools and workshops.

Education and awards

B.Sc. (Hons.) Geology and Geography, University of Gloucestershire, 1986; M.Sc. Geography, University of Western Ontario, 1990; Ph.D. Geology, University of New Brunswick, 1997



Thompson Rivers University _Open Learning Division; Geological Society of America