Daniel Duplisea

Image Duplisea, Daniel
Research Scientist
  • Precautionary and Ecosystem Approaches to Fisheries.
  • Incorporation of climate change into fishing strategies
  • Risk, hazards and sustainable fisheries exploitation

Current research and/or projects

  • Ecosystem approach to fisheries
  • Incorporating climate change into risk based advice for fish stocks
  • The precautionary approach to fisheries

Education and awards

PhD (Systems Ecology), Stockholm University, 1998

Phil Lic, Stockholm University, 1996

MSc, Dalhousie University, 1993

BSc (Hon) Marine Biology, Dalhousie University, 1991


International experience and/or work

PhD in Sweden 1994-1998

Scientific officer, cefas, Lowestoft, England 1998-2001

Key publications

  1. Duplisea, D.E., Roux, M.J., Plourde, S., Galbraith, P.S., Blais, M., Benoît, H.P., Sainte-Marie, B., Lavoie, D. and Bourdages, H., 2024. Facilitating an ecosystem approach through open data and information packaging. ICES Journal of Marine Science p.fsae024.
  2. Duplisea, D.E, Roux, M-J., Hunter, K.L., Rice, J. 2021. Fish harvesting advice under climate change: a risk-equivalent empirical approach. PLoS ONE 16(2): e0239503. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0239503
  3. Duplisea, D.E., 2017. Eliminating implausible fisheries assessment models using fishers’ knowledge. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences75(8), pp.1280-1290.
  4. Duplisea, D.E., Frisk, M.G. and Trenkel, V.M., 2016. Extinction debt and colonizer credit on a habitat perturbed fishing bank. PloS one11(11), p.e0166409.
  5. Duplisea, D.E., Jennings, S., Malcolm, S.J., Parker, R. and Sivyer, D.B., 2001. Modelling potential impacts of bottom trawl fisheries on soft sediment biogeochemistry in the North Sea. Geochemical Transactions, 2, pp.1-6.
  6. Duplisea, D.E. and Drgas, A., 1999. Sensitivity of a benthic, metazoan, biomass size spectrum to differences in sediment granulometry. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 177, pp.73-81.