Dan McKenney


Landscape Analysis and Applications

Current research and/or projects


I am currently a Senior Scientist and Team Leader with Natural Resources Canada, Canadian Forest Service (NRCan/CFS) in Sault Ste Marie, Ontario. In this position, besides leading a team of professionals in a variety of multi-disciplinary studies, I have been involved in numerous NRCan/CFS Management initiatives through time ranging from organizational change and priority setting to Research Scientist promotions.  I was originally hired as a resource economist and asked to bring economic perspectives to the CFS’s broader research portfolio. This has meant integrating economic science with other disciplines including climatology, geomatics, computer science, statistics, biology and ecology, often in spatial settings. Some of my major accomplishments include updates of Canada’s Plant Hardiness Zones (www.planthardiness.gc.ca) and the development of literally 1000s of spatial climate models that are used by researchers and government institutions across North America (http://cfs.nrcan.gc.ca/projects/3).  My publication list includes over 120 peer-reviewed articles in journals as wide-ranging as BioScience, Global Change Biology, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Association, Biomass and Bioenergy, Risk Analysis and the Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics and over 70 other departmental and other written reports.


Professional activities / interests

  • I review scientific texts.
  • I give professional advice.
  • I have assisted in graduate student supervision and examinations over a number of years.

Education and awards


  • B.Sc. Forest Science, Texas A&M University, 1982
  • M.Sc. Resource Economics, University of Guelph, 1986
  • Ph.D Natural Resource/Forest Economics, Australian National University, 1990


  • CFS Merit Team for Emerald Ash Borer Knowledge Transfer (2012)
  • Plant Products Co. Ltd. Award, Canadian Society for Horticultural Science (CSHS), best horticultural paper on floriculture and ornamentals in the Canadian Journal of Plant Science (2002)
  • Macoun-Hill Award, CSHS, best horticulture paper published in the Canadian Journal of Plant Science (2001)

Key publications

  1. Zolkos, S.G.;Jantz, P.; Cormier, T.; Iverson, L.R.; McKenney, D.W.; Gotez, S.J. 2015. Projected tree species redistribution under climate change: Implications for ecosystem vulnerability across protected areas in the eastern United States. Ecosystems.
  2. Yang, J.; Pedlar, J.H.; McKenney, D.W.; Weersink, A. 2015. The development of universal response functions to facilitate climate-smart regeneration of black spruce and white pine in Ontario, Canada. Forest Ecology and Management.
  3. Wang, S.; McKenney, D.W.; Shang, J.; Li, J. 2014. A national-scale assessment of long-term water budget closuers for Canada's watersheds. Journal of Geophysical Research, 119(14): p. 8712-8725. doi:10.1002/2014JD021951.
  4. De Laporte, A.V.; Weersink, A.J.; McKenney, D.W. 2014. A spatial model of climate change effects on yields and break-even prices of switchgrass and miscanthus in Ontario, Canada. Global Change Biology - Bioenergy, 6: p. 390-400. doi:10.1111/gcbb.12058.
  5. Price, D.T.; Alfaro, R.I.; Brown, K.J.; Flannigan, M.D.; Fleming, R.A.; Hogg, E.H.; Girardin, M.-P.; Lakusta, T.; Johnston, M.H.; McKenney, D.W.; Pedlar, J.H.; Stratton, T.; Sturrock, R.N.; Thompson, I.D.; Trofymow, J.A.; Venier, L.A. 2014. Anticipating the consequences of climate change for Canada's boreal forest ecosystems. Environmental Reviews, 21: p. 322-365. doi:10.1139/er-2013-0042.

For more publications by this author, consult the CFS publications database.

Research facility

1219 Queen Street East
Sault Ste. Marie, ON P6A 2E5


Adjunct Professor:

  • McMaster University, School of Geography and Earth Sciences
  • University of Toronto, Faculty of Forestry
  • University of Guelph, Department of Food, Agricultural and Resource Economics