Bernard Gagnon

Image Bernard Gagnon
Research Professional

To assist the lead research scientist in studies related to use of fertilizing residuals (compost, papermill biosolids, alkaline residuals, biochar) in agriculture and of N and P fertilization for field crops.

Current research and/or projects

1. Effect of combined application of papermill biosolids and biochar on the mycorhization, crop nutrition and grain yield of corn and soybean

2. Long-term assessment of 9-yr repeated applications of papermill biosolids and alkaline residuals on the crop yield and quality and the soil properties

3. Long-term effect of soil tillage and N and P fertilization in a corn-soybean rotation

Key publications

  1. Gagnon, B., Ziadi, N., Bélanger, G., Tremblay, G.F., Parent, G. (2019). Urea-based fertilizer as an efficient nitrogen source in perennial cool-grass forage production. Agronomy Journal, [online] 111(2), 867-880.

    2019 - View publication details

  2. St. Luce, M., Ziadi, N., Gagnon, B., Lévesque, V. (2017). Prediction of total carbon, total nitrogen, and pH of organic materials using visible near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy. Canadian Journal of Soil Science, [online] 98(1), 175-179.

    2017 - View publication details

  3. St. Luce, M., Ziadi, N., Gagnon, B., Karam, A. (2017). Visible near infrared reflectance spectroscopy prediction of soil heavy metal concentrations in paper mill biosolid- and liming by-product-amended agricultural soils. Geoderma, [online] 288 23-36.

    2017 - View publication details

  4. Gagnon, B., Robichaud, A., Ziadi, N., Karam, A. (2014). Repeated annual paper mill and alkaline residuals application affects soil metal fractions. Journal of Environmental Quality, [online] 43(2), 517-527.

    2014 - View publication details

  5. Ziadi, N., Angers, D.A., Gagnon, B., Lalande, R., Morel, C., Rochette, P., Chantigny, M.H. (2014). Long-term tillage and synthetic fertilization affect soil functioning and crop yields in a corn-soybean rotation in eastern Canada. Canadian Journal of Soil Science, [online] 94(3), 365-376.

    2014 - View publication details

  6. Ziadi, N., Gagnon, B., Nyiraneza, J. (2013). Crop yield and soil fertility as affected by papermill biosolids and liming by-products. Canadian Journal of Soil Science, [online] 93(3), 319-328.

    2013 - View publication details

  7. Gagnon, B., Ziadi, N., Robichaud, A., Karam, A. (2013). Metal availability following paper mill and alkaline residuals application to field crops. Journal of Environmental Quality, [online] 42(2), 412-420.

    2013 - View publication details

  8. Gagnon, B. (2012). "Impact agroenvironnemental de l'utilisation de différents résidus forestiers en grandes cultures.", Journée d'information scientifique sur les grandes cultures 2012, Hotel and Suites Le Dauphin, Drummondville, QC, Canada, February 23, 2012. (Presentation)

    2012 - View publication details

  9. Gagnon, B. and Tremblay, G.F. (2012). "Biosolides agricoles et industriels en production de maïs fourrager : bénéfices et contraintes.", Info-Fourrage, 2012(1), pp. 6-7.

    2012 - View publication details

  10. Gagnon, B., Ziadi, N., Chantigny, M.H., Bélanger, G., Tremblay, G.F., and Massé, D.I. (2012). "Valorisation des sous-produits du traitement des lisiers de porc et des eaux usées de papetières en production de maïs-fourrager.", Demi-journée d’information scientifique sur les fourrages 2012, Victoriaville, QC, Canada, February 21, 2012, pp. 34-37.

    2012 - View publication details

  11. Gagnon, B., Ziadi, N., and Grant, C.A. (2012). "Urea fertilizer forms affect grain corn yield and nitrogen use efficiency.", Canadian Journal of Soil Science, 92(2), pp. 341-351. doi : 10.4141/CJSS2011-074

    2012 - View publication details

  12. Gagnon, B., Ziadi, N. (2012). Papermill biosolids and alkaline residuals affect crop yield and soil properties over nine years of continuous application. Canadian Journal of Soil Science, [online] 92(6), 917-930.

    2012 - View publication details

  13. Gagnon, B., Ziadi, N., Chantigny, M.H., Bélanger, G., Massé, D.I. (2012). Biosolids from treated swine manure and papermill residues affect corn fertilizer value. Agronomy Journal, [online] 104(2), 483-492.

    2012 - View publication details

  14. Gagnon, B., Demers, I., Ziadi, N., Chantigny, M.H., Parent, L.E., Forge, T.A., Larney, F.J., Buckley, K.E. (2012). Forms of phosphorus in composts and in compostamended soils following incubation. Canadian Journal of Soil Science, [online] 92(5), 711-721.

    2012 - View publication details

  15. Cambouris, A.N., Zebarth, B.J., Ziadi, N., Grant, C.A., Hu, Z., Gagnon, B., Drury, C.F. (2011). "Agri-environmental effect of N fertilizer on potato production.", 2011 ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meeting: Fundamental for life: soil, crop and environmental sciences, San Antonio, TX, USA, October 16-19, 2011.

    2011 - View publication details

  16. Gagnon, B., Ziadi, N., Rochette, P., Chantigny, M.H., Angers, D.A. (2011). Fertilizer source influenced nitrous oxide emissions from a clay soil under corn. Soil Science Society of America Journal, [online] 75(2), 595-604.

    2011 - View publication details

  17. Gagnon, B., Ziadi, N. (2010). Grain corn and soil nitrogen responses to sidedress nitrogen sources and applications. Agronomy Journal, [online] 102(3), 1014-1022.

    2010 - View publication details

  18. Gagnon, B., Ziadi, N., Côté, C., Foisy, M. (2010). Environmental impact of repeated applications of combined paper mill biosolids in silage corn production. Canadian Journal of Soil Science, [online] 90(1), 215-227.

    2010 - View publication details

  19. Fan, J.L., Ziadi, N., Gagnon, B., Hu, Z.Y. (2010). Soil phosphorus fractions following annual paper mill biosolids and liming materials application. Canadian Journal of Soil Science, [online] 90(3), 467-479.

    2010 - View publication details

  20. Grant, C.A., Ziadi, N., Gagnon, B., Flaten, D.N., and Schoenau, J.J. (2009). "Integrating knowledge of nutrient forms and dynamics into improved nutrient management practices: A tribute to Régis Simard.", Canadian Journal of Soil Science, 89(2), pp. 133-144. doi : 10.4141/CJSS07095

    2009 - View publication details

Research facility

2560 Hochelaga Boulevard
Québec, QC G1V 2J3


Ordre des agronomes du Québec



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