Athyna Cambouris, Ph.D.

Image Athyna Cambouris
Research Scientist

Precision Agriculture & Fertilization of Agroecosystems

Current research and/or projects

  • Study of the utilization of new technologies of precision agriculture such as proximal soil and crop sensing for potato production in eastern Canada

  • Study of the spatio-temporal variability of soil nutrients including phosphorus and nitrogen under potato, forage and grain corn.

  • Study of the utilization of new technologies of precision agriculture such as proximal soil and crop sensing for energy-biomass production using perennial crops

Research and/or project statements

The research program has developed a unique expertise in precision farming for potato growing under eastern Canadian conditions. The use of proximal soil sensors measuring the electrical conductivity of soils allows the determination of homogeneous soil zones within the same field that have similar limitations to yield. These areas can then be managed appropriately to their limitations. The objectives of the program are to increase soil and crop productivity, profitability of enterprises and protection of the environment by delimiting land management areas within the same field. The research is aligned primarily with departmental priorities: (1) increase crop productivity, and (2) enhance environmental performance.

Professional activities / interests

• Precision Agriculture - spatio-temporal variability of soil and crop properties.

• Soil fertility

• Agronomy (potato, corn, wheat, forage)

Education and awards

Ph.D. soil & environment Université Laval







Key publications

  1. Lafond, J.A., Cambouris, A.N., Duchemin, M., Goussard, N., et Gumiere, S.J. 2022. Similarité entre les patrons de distribution de la conductivité électrique et de la profondeur d’une couche compacte, importance en agriculture de précision. Présentation par J.A. Lafond au 36e congrès annuel de l’Association Québécoise de Spécialistes en Sciences du Sol (AQSSS) – virtuel, 7-9 juin 2022.

    2022 - View publication details

  2. Cambouris, A. N., Duchemin, M., Ziadi, N., Smith, E. L., Arnould, S. and Fenech, A. Jun. 15-17, 2021. Nitrogen management in potato production in Prince Edward Island through management zones. Association Quebecoise de specialists en sciences du soil (AQSSS) 2021 Congress. Virtual Meeting.

    2021 - View publication details

  3. Nyiraneza, J., Bélanger, G., Benjannet, R., Ziadi, N., Cambouris, A., Fuller, K., Hann, S. (2021). Critical phosphorus dilution curve and the phosphorus-nitrogen relationship in potato. European Journal of Agronomy, [online] 123

    2021 - View publication details

  4. Parenteau, M.T., Gu, H., Zebarth, B.J., Cambouris, A.N., Lafond, J., Nelson, A., Nyiraneza, J., Davidson, C., Lagüe, M., Galvez, J.H., Strömvik, M.V., Tai, H.H. (2020). Data mining nitrogen-responsive gene expression for source-sink relations and indicators of n status in potato. Agronomy, [online] 10(10 October),

    2020 - View publication details

  5. Benjannet, R., Nyiraneza, J., Khiari, L., Cambouris, A., Fuller, K., Hann, S., Ziadi, N. (2020). Potato response to struvite compared with conventional phosphorus fertilizer in Eastern Canada. Agronomy Journal, [online] 112(2), 1360-1376.

    2020 - View publication details

  6. Wen, G., Cambouris, A.N., Ziadi, N., Bertrand, A., Khelifi, M. (2019). Nitrogen Fertilization Effects on the Composition of Foliar Amino Acids of Russet Burbank Potato. American Journal of Potato Research, [online] 96(6), 541-551.

    2019 - View publication details

  7. Lajeunesse, J. J. Lafond, A.N. Cambouris, and I. Perron. 2018. Wild blueberry : disease incidence in different management zones. Affiche scientifique présentée dans le cadre de la rencontre annuelle de la Société Canadienne en Science Horticole 2018, Niagara Falls, ON, du 4 au 6 octobre 2018.

    2018 - View publication details

  8. Cambouris, A.N., Messiga, A.J., Ziadi, N., Perron, I., Morel, C. (2017). Decimetric-scale two-dimensional distribution of soil phosphorus after 20 years of tillage management and maintenance phosphorus fertilization, 81(6), 1606-1614.

    2017 - View publication details

  9. Claessens, A., F. Langevin, I. Royer, A. Cambouris, D. Angers, N. Ziadi, and A. Bertrand. 2017.
    Method for screening Cu, Zn or Pb phytotoxicity on switchgrass and reed canarygrass. ASA-CSSA-SSSA 2017 Tampa 2017/10/22 - 2017/10/25

    2017 - View publication details

  10. Can proximal soil sensors allow us to better control the spatial soil property variability under potato crop?

    2017 - View publication details

  11. Impact of crop rotations on potato Nitrogen response and soil health. Presentation at the Integrated Potato Project workshop at Fredericton research and development centre, 16th Nov. 2016.

    2016 - View publication details

  12. Morissette, R., Jégo, G., Bélanger, G., Cambouris, A.N., Nyiraneza, J., Zebarth, B.J. (2016). Simulating potato growth and nitrogen uptake in eastern Canada with the STICS model. Agronomy Journal, [online] 108(5), 1853-1868.

    2016 - View publication details

  13. Morissette, R., Jégo, G., Bélanger, G., Cambouris, A. N., Nyiraneza, J., & Zebarth, B. J. 2016. Simulating Potato Growth and Nitrogen Uptake in Eastern Canada with the STICS Model. Agronomy Journal, 108(5), 1853-1868.

    2016 - View publication details

  14. Cambouris, A.N., St. Luce, M., Zebarth, B.J., Ziadi, N., Grant, C.A., Perron, I. (2016). Potato response to nitrogen sources and rates in an irrigated sandy soil. Agronomy Journal, [online] 108(1), 391-401.

    2016 - View publication details

  15. Nechi, C., Cambouris, A.N., and Parent, L.-É. (2015). "Potassium dynamics in sandy soil under potato crop.", Canadian Soil Science Society (IUSS-CSSS-AQSSS) Conference, McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada, July 5-10, 2015. (Poster)

    2015 - View publication details

  16. Alotaibi, K., Cambouris, A.N., Ziadi, N., Perron, I., and Tremblay, N. (2015). "Corn Yield and quality as a function of nitrogen.", Canadian Soil Science Society (IUSS-CSSS-AQSSS) Conference, McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada, July 5-10, 2015. (Poster)

    2015 - View publication details

  17. Morissette, R., Jégo, G., Bélanger, G., Cambouris, A.N., Nyiraneza, J., and Zebarth, B.J. (2015). "Simulating potato growth and nitrogen uptake in eastern Canada with the STICS crop model.", SSSA 2015.

    2015 - View publication details

  18. Zebarth, B.J., Moreau, G., Smith, A.M., Toner, P., Cambouris, A.N., Goyer, C., Owen, J., and Burton, D.L. (2015). "Yield variation in potato fields: Lessons learned so far.", 2015 Crop Update Session, Fredericton, NB, Canada, January 13-14, 2015.

    2015 - View publication details

  19. Zebarth, B.J., Moreau, G., Dixon, W.T., Smith, A.M., and Cambouris, A.N. (2015). "Application of high resolution remote sensing imagery to potato production.", McCain Foods (Canada) grower meetings, Grand Falls/Florenceville, NB, Canada, February 24-25, 2015, Presentation.

    2015 - View publication details

  20. Perron, I., Cambouris, A.N., and Ziadi, N. (2015). "Soil Phosphorus distribution under two contrasting grasslands (2 and 10 yrs old).", Canadian Soil Science Society (IUSS-CSSS-AQSSS) Conference, McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada, July 5-10, 2015. (Poster)

    2015 - View publication details

Research facility

2560 Hochelaga Boulevard
Québec, QC G1V 2J3


  • Vice-president elected of the Precise Nitrogen Community of the International Society of Precision Agriculture (since 2018).

  • President elected of the expert panel of Geomatics and Precision Agriculture committee of CRAAQ (since 2007)

  • Adjunct professor at Laval University, Soil science and agri-food engineering department

  • Adjunct professor at INRS-ETE, Remote sensing and hydrology department.

  • Member of Soil Science Society of America (SSSA). (SSSA)

  • Member of American Society of agronomy (ASA). (ASA)

  • Member of Association québécoise des spécialistes en sciences du sol (AQSSS)

  • Member of Centre Sève

