Aimé J. Messiga, Ph.D.

Image Aimé J. Messiga
Research Scientist

Nutrients and Soil Management

Current research and/or projects

My research program focusses on soil and nutrient management. My current projects aim at improving our understanding of nutrient cycling and dynamics, particularly phosphorus, in field crops and berry production systems. More specifically, I collaborate with colleagues across Canada and local industry to improve starter fertilizer P recommendations in silage corn systems and to adapt a simple agri-environmental indicator of the risk of P transfer from fields to water sources for soils of British Columbia.


Research and/or project statements

  • Role of legacy P in Agriculture
  • Refining starter fertilizer P recommendations for silage corn in British Columbia
  • Interaction between bioactivators and low starter fertilizer P blend on soil P availability and desorption kinetics
  • Adaptation of a simple agri-environmental P saturation index for soils in British Columbia
  • Development of high performing growing media through partial substitution of conventional growing media with biochar and vermicompost
  • Improving soil health through alley cover crop management in raspberry planting
  • Understanding the role of acidifying nitrogen fertilizers on yields and soil chemical properties in blueberry planting

Professional activities / interests

  • Chair: AAFC SCience Ethics Committee - SEC - (January 2020 - December 2020)
  • Co-Chair: AAFC Human Research Ethics Committee - HREC - (January 2020 - December 2020)
  • Member: AAFC Science Ethics Committee - SEC - (Since 2017)
  • Associate Editor: Canadian Journal of Soil Science
  • Reviewer: Canadian Journal of Soil Science, Soil Use Management, Soil Science Society of America Journal, Geoderma, Geoderma Regional, Scientia Horticulturae, Soil Biology and Biochemistry, PLOSONE...


Education and awards


  • Ph.D., soils and environment, Laval University      
  • MSc, Soil science, Ghent University
  • Ingénieur Agronome, Productions végétales, FASA, Université de Dschang                


2017 Outstanding Associate Editor (Canadian Journal of Soil Science)


International experience and/or work

Collaboration with China Agricultural University on issues related to biochar interactions with soil phosphorus. Past collaborations with France, Switzerland, Finland on topics related to soil phosphorus cycling and dynamics.

Key publications

  1. Messiga, A.J., Ziadi, N., Jouany, C., Virkajärvi, P., Suomela, R., Sinaj, S., Bélanger, G., Stroia, C., Morel, C. (2015). Soil test phosphorus and cumulative phosphorus budgets in fertilized grassland. AMBIO, [online] 44(2), 252-262.

    2015 - View publication details

  2. Ziadi, N., Shi, Y.Z., Messiga, A.J., and Lalande, R. (2014). "Disponibilité du phosphore du sol tôt au printemps: effet de l’hiver québécois.", Congrès annuel de l’association québécoise des spécialistes en sciences du sol, Victoriaville, Québec, Canada, May 26-29, 2014, Oral presentation.

    2014 - View publication details

  3. Ziadi, N., Messiga, A.J., Morel, C., Jouany, C., Virkajärvi, P., Sinaj, S., and Bélanger, G. (2014). "Phosphorus budget as a tool to monitor soil P changes under grassland production.", 20th World Congress of Soil Science, Jeju, South Korea, June 8-13, 2014. (Poster)

    2014 - View publication details

  4. Messiga, A.J., Ba, Y., Ziadi, N., Bélanger, G., Lafond, J. (2014). Assessing the depletion of soil P following sequential extractions with mehlich-3 and olsen solutions, 60(10), 1445-1458.

    2014 - View publication details

  5. Messiga, A.J., Ziadi, N., Bélanger, G., Morel, C. (2014). Relationship between soil phosphorus and phosphorus budget in grass sward with varying nitrogen applications. Soil Science Society of America Journal, [online] 78(4), 1481-1488.

    2014 - View publication details

  6. Morel, C., Ziadi, N., Messiga, A., Bélanger, G., Denoroy, P., Jeangros, B., Jouany, C., Fardeau, J.C., Mollier, A., Parent, L.E., Proix, N., Rabeharisoa, L., Sinaj, S. (2014). Modeling of phosphorus dynamics in contrasting agroecosystems using long-term field experiments. Canadian Journal of Soil Science, [online] 94(3), 377-387.

    2014 - View publication details

  7. Ziadi, N., Whalen, J.K., Messiga, A.J., and Morel, C. (2013). "Assessment and Modeling of Soil Available Phosphorus in Sustainable Cropping Systems.", in Sparks, D.L. (ed.) - Advances in Agronomy. Vol. 122, 1st Edition, Academic Press, Chapter 2, pp. 85-126.

    2013 - View publication details

  8. Cambouris, A.N., Messiga, A.J., Ziadi, N., Morel, C., Parent, L.-É., and Perron, I. (2013). "Micro-variability of soil P distribution in a long term experimental site from eastern Canada.", 7th International Phosphorus Workshop (IPW7), Uppsala, Sweden, September 9-13, 2013. (Poster)

    2013 - View publication details

  9. Cambouris, A.N., Messiga, A.J., Ziadi, N., Morel, C., Parent, L.-É., Perron, I., and Shi, Y.Z. (2013). "Soil phosphorus distribution in long term no-tilled soil in eastern Canada.", ASA/CSSA/SSSA International annual meeting: Water, Food, Energy and Innovation for a Sustainable World, Tampa, Florida, USA, November 3-6, 2013. (Poster)

    2013 - View publication details

  10. Shi, Y., Ziadi, N., Messiga, A.J., Lalande, R., Hu, Z. (2013). Changes in soil phosphorus fractions for a long-term corn-soybean rotation with tillage and phosphorus fertilization. Soil Science Society of America Journal, [online] 77(4), 1402-1412.

    2013 - View publication details

  11. Messiga, A.J., Ziadi, N., Belanger, G., Morel, C. (2013). Soil nutrients and other major properties in grassland fertilized with nitrogen and phosphorus nutrient management & soil & plant analysis. Soil Science Society of America Journal, [online] 77(2), 643-652.

    2013 - View publication details

  12. Messiga, A.J., Ziadi, N., Morel, C., Grant, C., Tremblay, G., Lamarre, G., Parent, L.E. (2012). Long term impact of tillage practices and biennial P and N fertilization on maize and soybean yields and soil P status. Field Crops Research, [online] 133 10-22.

    2012 - View publication details

  13. Messiga, A.J., Ziadi, N., Bélanger, G., Morel, C. (2012). Process-based mass-balance modeling of soil phosphorus availability in a grassland fertilized with N and P. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, [online] 92(3), 273-287.

    2012 - View publication details

  14. Messiga, A.J., Ziadi, N., Angers, D.A., Morel, C., Parent, L.E. (2011). Tillage practices of a clay loam soil affect soil aggregation and associated C and P concentrations. Geoderma, [online] 164(3-4), 225-231.

    2011 - View publication details

  15. Messiga, A.J., Ziadi, N., Plénet, D., Parent, L.E., Morel, C. (2010). Long-term changes in soil phosphorus status related to P budgets under maize monoculture and mineral P fertilization. Soil Use and Management, [online] 26(3), 354-364.

    2010 - View publication details

  16. Messiga, A.J., Ziadi, N., Morel, C., Parent, L.E. (2010). Soil phosphorus availability in no-till versus conventional tillage following freezing and thawing cycles. Canadian Journal of Soil Science, [online] 90(3), 419-428.

    2010 - View publication details

  17. Messiga, A.J., Ziadi, N., Angers, D.A., Morel, C., and Parent, L.-É. (2008). "Water-soluble phosphorus in soil aggregates as influenced by tillage practices.", 2008 Canadian Society of Soil Science (CSSS) Annual Meeting: Frontiers of Soil Science, University of Northern British Columbia, Prince George, BC, Canada, July 6-10, 2008. (Abstract)

    2008 - View publication details

  18. Messiga, A.J., Ziadi, N., Morel, C., and Parent, L.-É. (2008). "Do freeze-thaw cycles enhance water soluble phosphorus in the top-soil of conservation tillage?.", 2008 Canadian Society of Soil Science (CSSS) Annual Meeting: Frontiers of Soil Science, University of Northern British Columbia, Prince George, BC, Canada, July 6-10, 2008. (Abstract)

    2008 - View publication details

Research facility

6947 Highway 7
PO Box 1000
Agassiz, BC V0M 1A2


  • Professeur associé: Université Laval, Département des sols et de génie agroalimentaire - (Since September 2020
  • Adjunct professor: Univeristy of British Columbia (UBC), Faculty of Land and Food Systems - (Since January 2021
  • Member: Canadian Society of Soil Science
  • Menber: Soil Science Society of America

