Simon Gagnon

Geosciences research professional

My work involves creating methodologies and applications for integrating, managing and distributing geoscientific data from different sources, applying OGC (Open Geospatial Consortium) and ISO standards. This includes the development of systems for sharing geoscientific and spatial information in line with international standards.

Current research and/or projects

My contribution to the Government of Canada's Groundwater Information Network project is to develop and implement innovative technological solutions for data collection, analysis and visualization, enabling more effective and sustainable management of groundwater resources.

Research and/or project statements

  1. Design of data aggregators and application (REST) to disseminate real-time Canadian groundwater levels.
  2. Create a user-friendly interface, allowing real-time access to data, as well as visualization and interpretation of results via interactive maps and informative graphs.
  3. Collaborate with national and international stakeholders to evolve groundwater information network services.

Professional activities / interests

  1. Cartography and GIS: Creation of digital maps, spatial analysis and management of geographic data.
  2. Remote sensing: Use of satellite images to monitor the environment, analyze earth changes, and model natural resources.
  3. Natural resource management: Use of geomatics for sustainable management of forests, water, soils, flora and fauna.
  4. Research and development: Contributing to the advancement of geomatics technologies through research, the development of new tools and methods, and collaboration with research institutions.

Education and awards

Bachelor's degree: Engineering Physics - École Polytechnique de Montréal, 2017



